Thursday 16 July 2015

How Clint Eastwood Saved Me

I'm in a great mood....smiling and swaying :) (the closest I can get to dancing for now)

My day didn't start that way though. It started exactly the same way it did for the past 10 weeks. I wake up...I mourn...I crib....I toss around the idea of how useless my petty little life is...n I mourn..I crib...n yada yada yada....the cycle goes on until I fall asleep...not much,huh, I know!

It's been 10 weeks! 10 EFFING weeks of lying in bed feeling like a dysfunctional slob!

Nah,stop right der...No, I've not been chained to my bed with a diagnosis of acute explosion of psychosis....I'm 30 weeks pregnant, had a cervical encerclage at 20 weeks to keep my impatient fella from rushing out into the world just too soon.I've been advised bed rest since then.

I'm happy he's staying tight and I've reached 30 weeks....But,there's only so much you can do in bed in a day man. You wake up, only to continue being in bed....duh!!

Anyways, Clint Eastwood came along and totally lifted me up :):) Well, it's actually the gorillaz, but what the heck,  Clinty is way more groovy. My pregnant hormones will go with Clinty, sorry gorillaz.( Great music guys, keep up the good work:) )

Oh oh oh oh oh
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag
I'm useless, but not for long
The future is comin on
It's coming on, it's coming on
It's coming on,it's coming on(haha yeah)

 [ come on, sing it with me, from the tops, once more, shall we ]

The future is so on, for me n my lil fella, my sunshine!