Tuesday 9 June 2015


The street was deserted, his friends had long gone, leaving him with his confidant. Mani crushed the last of his dying cigarette and flicked the stub. He looked down the familiar road, the busy jostle of the day was replaced with a dark and quiet eeriness. It was time he went home, and faced Lakshmi's wrath for missing yet another day's dinner. The skipped dinner did not bother him as much as not being able to kiss Madubala and Murugan goodnight. But times were hard, he had to work overtime, Madu had to join school next month.

He bent and pulled up the lever, springing his autorickshaw to life and crushing the silence of the night. He drove fast, eager to escape the late December chills. As he turned around the corner, he saw a lady waving frantically at him. "What on earth, is a lady doing, being up and about in this ungodly hour", he thought as his auto spluttered to a halt.

" Anna, auto Indira Nagar varuma? " (Brother, will you drop me at Indira Nagar?)

He hesitated, but, thought to himself, an extra buck won't harm anyone. Nodding his approval, he dashed off after his late night client settled in. He looked at her through his rearview mirror, her red bangles made ever so soft a tinkling sound. Her hair was flying in the wind, a few strands flying across her face, her nose stud accentuated her aristocratic nose. His mind wandered off to his Lakshmi. Theirs was an arranged marriage, like all arranged marriages, he did not think much of his wife. He realized his love for her, the day he saw her give birth to his children. Now his world pivoted around his wife and children.

"Anna...anna...anna..." ( Brother...brother...brother.. )

He jolted back to the present, " Enna ma ", he asked without turning around, " enna aachi?" ( What happened?). He checked his rear view mirror and did not see her, panicking, he turned around to find her heaped up on the floor of his auto. Breaking off into a furious sweat, he sped to the nearest hospital, which was less than a mile away. Carrying her with trembling hands, he rushed into the emergency unit.

Pacing up and down in the waiting lounge, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking. He did not know who the woman was, whom to call or what to do. His troubled thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling out to him.

"Are you with her?"

For now, "yes".

"You needn't worry, she is fine and is 2 months pregnant. She will have to stay here overnight for observation. You can take her home tomorrow."

"Madam, I do not know the lady. I am just an auto rickshaw wala."

"Is it? But, she claims you to be the father of her child."

CRASH. His world came crumbling down.
It was 10 in the morning, Mani sat there willing time to pass more quickly. His results were due today. The angiush killing him all week long was going to be put to death shortly.

A voice cackled in the speaker, " Mr.Mani, calling Mr.Mani to room no.106".

He was greeted by a pleasant looking doctor in a crisp white coat. "Good morning Mr.Maniplease have a seat."

"I have some good news and bad news for you.Your blood and semen reports prove your innocence."

A huge load was lifted off his chest. Mani couldn't help, but, break into a broad smile.

"However, your semen analysis report shows azoospermia, meaning no sperms at all. It is not possible for you to father children,Mr.Mani. I'm sorry"

Mani sat there staring into the emptiness he saw and felt.